ATAG news


Introducing "Skies of Tomorrow" - an exciting new documentary series

Today, Zinc Media Group announces ‘Skies of Tomorrow’ – a revealing documentary series, showcasing how the aviation sector is working together, on an international scale, to forge a path to net zero.


Aviation industry adopts 2050 net-zero carbon goal

The global air transport industry has adopted a long-term climate goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, confirming the commitment of the world’s airlines, airports, air traffic management and the makers of aircraft and engines to reduce CO2 emissions in support of the Paris Agreement 1.5ºC goal. This updates an earlier industry-wide goal set in 2009 and comes after yesterday’s resolution of the International Air Transport Association membership to adopt a net-zero goal.


New report outlines path to net-zero aviation in 2050

New analysis outlines credible paths for the air transport sector to reach its updated long-term climate goal to hit net-zero carbon emissions in 2050. A combination of new technology, improvements in operations and infrastructure and a shift to sustainable aviation fuels can help get the sector close to decarbonisation in 2050, with residual emissions being mitigated through market-based instruments such as carbon removal.


Weak recovery of air travel jobs not matched by wider tourism employment

The severe downturn in air traffic caused by Covid-19, followed by a slow recovery continues to put at risk up to 44.6 million jobs normally supported by aviation around the globe, according to new industry figures released today at the Global Sustainable Aviation Forum. Despite a significant recovery in air traffic in some domestic and regional markets, the impact of very weak international visitor traffic is continuing to have a severe impact on tourism jobs supported by air travel.


Up to 46 million jobs at risk due to Covid-19 aviation downturn

The severe downturn in air traffic this year caused by Covid-19, followed by a slow recovery will result in a loss of up to 46 million jobs normally supported by aviation around the globe, according to new industry figures released today.


Green recovery of air transport a priority for industry leaders

Despite the current crisis facing the global aviation industry, its commitment to pursuing sustainability remains strong, particularly as the sector starts to recover. Speaking at the Global Sustainable Aviation Forum, industry leaders reiterated that long-term climate action should be a priority alongside economic recovery in the coming years.


New analysis details aviation climate pathways

In new analysis released today, the aviation sector details how it can meet its climate goal of cutting CO2 emissions in half by 2050, compared with 2005. It also highlights that net-zero emissions from air transport across the global sector could be achieved a decade or so afterwards. The plan will rely on a significant shift away from fossil fuels, the introduction of radical new technology and continued improvements in operations by the sector.


Aviation industry welcomes progress on CORSIA, despite global emergency

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Montreal has agreed the types of carbon offset units which are eligible for compliance with the world’s first global sector climate mechanism, the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). There are now 82 countries which will take part in the first, voluntary, phase of CORSIA and it is anticipated that about 80% of the growth in international aviation CO2 will be covered by the scheme from the end of this year.


Climate change measures progresses at ICAO Assembly

Governments meeting at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 40th Assembly in Montreal have supported the prioritisation of work on developing a long-term goal for aviation CO2 emissions, with that work to be completed for presentation at the next ICAO Assembly in 2022. They also re-affirmed support for the development of the CORSIA climate change measure for international aviation.


Air Transport a key sector in supporting sustainable development globally

Organisations from across the air transport sector today reminded governments of the important role that air transport development can play in national and regional sustainable development planning. Governments are meeting in Montreal for the 40th session of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Assembly.


Over 200,000 commercial flights using low-carbon fuel show an energy transition is possible

As the world’s aviation community gathers in Montreal for the 40th session of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Assembly, the aviation industry is demonstrating its commitment to climate action every day across its global network, this week surpassing 200,000 passenger flights using sustainable aviation fuels. Through deployment of new technology, improvements in operations and infrastructure, the sector is working to improve efficiency and cut CO2 emissions in the short- and medium-term.


Aviation industry encourages long-term climate action from governments

The aviation industry, alongside environmental groups, will request governments to set a timeframe for agreement on a long-term target to reduce CO2 emissions from air transport at a meeting of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) starting this week in Montreal.


Climate action in aviation an inspiring challenge

The aviation industry should be inspired by its role in the fight against climate change, according to one of its sustainability leaders. Michael Gill, the Executive Director of the cross-industry Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) today told the Global Sustainable Aviation Forum that recent United Nations reports on climate coupled with increased awareness by members of the public highlighted the fact that the time for action is now.


Aviation industry applauds another CORSIA milestone

The aviation industry today welcomed another significant milestone in the development of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has established a technical advisory body to help determine which emissions offset units can be used for CORSIA compliance.


Countdown to CORSIA nears key milestone

At the Global Sustainable Aviation Summit in Geneva today, airlines and aircraft operators around the world were reminded about upcoming milestones for the ICAO Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).


Air Transport: 65.5 million jobs, $2.7 trillion economic activity

The global air transport sector supports 65.5 million jobs and $2.7 trillion in global economic activity, according to new research released today by the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG). The report, Aviation: Benefits Beyond Borders, explores the fundamental role civil aviation plays for today’s society and addresses the economic, social and environmental impacts of this global industry.


Global Summit explores air transport's sustainable future

Over 300 delegates are meeting in Geneva next week for the tenth Global Sustainable Aviation Summit, organised by the Air Transport Action Group. The Summit brings together industry sustainability experts along with governments and representatives of civil society to look at the role air transport can play in supporting economic growth and reducing environmental impacts.


ICAO Council takes key step in CORSIA implementation

The aviation industry today congratulated the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for delivering a key step in the implementation of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), a world-first mechanism that will help offset the growth of international aviation CO2 from 2020. It is part of a package of measures including technology, sustainable aviation fuel, operational and infrastructure advances to continue to reduce the sector’s carbon emissions.


Governments urged to pass crucial CORSIA implementation step

Aviation industry officials today urged governments meeting at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to adopt rules necessary for the implementation of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).


Counting down to CORSIA - Are airlines ready?

Airlines and business aircraft operators have just seven months to prepare themselves for the first stage of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), with monitoring of all CO2 emissions to start from 1 January 2019.