World Energy joins the Air Transport Action Group, further supporting aviation’s energy transition

GENEVA, 16 April 2024 – The Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) is delighted to welcome World Energy as a Strategic Associate member. World Energy is one of a growing number of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) suppliers to join ATAG, highlighting the importance of collaboration in ramping up SAF availability as the aviation sector scales up its energy transition.

ATAG unites airlines, airports, airframe and engine manufacturers, air navigation service providers and sustainable energy providers around a common mission to help drive aviation towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. An important element of this strategy is the use of SAF, for which the scale up in production is essential.

World Energy has been at the forefront of commercialising renewable fuels for over 25 years and was the world’s first commercial-scale sustainable aviation fuel producer. In joining ATAG, World Energy reinforces its support for aviation’s decarbonisation.

Speaking at its General Assembly in Geneva, ATAG’s Executive Director, Haldane Dodd, remarked that transitioning away from fossil-based energy sources to sustainable alternatives cannot be achieved by the air transport sector in isolation. It requires policy support and collaboration with investors and SAF suppliers:

“Aviation is committed to decarbonising and shifting away from fossil fuel usage by mid-century. The sector has a collective goal – reached through the UN – that aviation fuel should be 5% less carbon intensive by 2030. In addition, we studied various 2050 decarbonisation scenarios as part of our Waypoint 2050 analysis. All of these rely heavily on SAF and therefore working together with investors, governments and pioneering sustainable aviation fuel producers such as World Energy is key to achieving our commitments and responding to customer demand. SAF is an exciting sector providing clean energy employment and investment opportunities on a global scale. It has a future beyond today’s fossil fuel production.”

World Energy’s CEO, Gene Gebolys, commented: “As a pioneer in commercialising sustainable aviation fuel for over a decade, we are well aware of the power of collaboration. We are thrilled to be joining ATAG to align more effectively with the aviation community to decarbonise flight. As one of the world’s only suppliers in the nascent global SAF industry, World Energy is committed to scaling the market and is making significant investment in SAF production with a goal of producing 1 billion gallons annually by 2030. But only by working together within groups of leaders like ATAG will we achieve our individual and collective objectives.”

World Energy SAF is certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials and is CORSIA-compliant.  World Energy’s technology produces SAF from 100% Hydro processed Esters and Fatty Acids (pure neat HEFA) with zero added aromatics, lower sulphur and significantly reduced particulates compared to fossil-based jet fuel.  SAF has the potential to reduce carbon emissions by up to 80% today across the lifecycle of the fuel, compared to conventional jet fuel.

By joining ATAG, World Energy demonstrates its determination to work with all sectors of the air transport value chain and to share expertise, thereby helping aviation to transition towards sustainable aviation fuel and achieve net zero carbon emissions by the middle of the century.



About World Energy

World Energy is a low-carbon solution pioneer working with leading companies to help meet their net-zero commitments. With operations in sustainable aviation fuel, clean hydrogen, advanced biofuels, and fully transparent decarbonisation services, World Energy is collaborating to confront the biggest decarbonisation challenges in the hardest-to-abate sectors. For over 25 years World Energy has been at the forefront of commercialising renewable fuels and was the world’s first commercial-scale sustainable aviation fuel producer. Today, World Energy is investing over $15 billion into major new projects in California, Texas, and Newfoundland to help leaders accelerate their efforts to make net-zero real.

World Energy offers best-in-class carbon intensity throughout its supply chain. It prides itself on rigorous environmental standards as well as transparent reporting. World Energy currently operates the only SAF refinery certified through the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) and has committed to a series of ambitious greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, which have been accepted by the Science Based Targets Initiative. Learn more at


About the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG)

ATAG is a global association that brings together airlines, airports, aircraft and engine manufacturers, new energy companies and other industry stakeholders to promote sustainable aviation practices and drive aviation’s transition to a low-carbon future. By fostering collaboration, raising awareness and advocating for sustainable aviation solutions on a global scale, ATAG provides its members with a unique platform to share expertise and develop joint approaches, enabling governments, industry and civil society to work together to progress air transport’s sustainable development. For more information, see